State Licensing for Senior Communities and Care Services in California

Search for California Housing and Care

California Department of Social Services
744 P Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

California Community Care Licensing Division
744 P Street, MS 8-17-17
Sacramento, CA 95814

California Department of Aging

Types of Housing/Care Search Definitions
Adult Day Care Adult Day Care A community-based facility or program that provides care to persons 18 years of age or older in need of personal services, supervision, or assistance essential for sustaining the activities of daily living or for the protection of these individuals on less than a 24-hour basis.
Affordable Senior Housing Affordable Senior Housing HUD 202 Program that offers rental assistance for seniors who meet the requirements of the federal program.
Community-Based Adult Service Community-Based Adult Service Offers services to eligible older adults and/or adults with disabilities to restore or maintain their optimal capacity for self-care and delay or prevent inappropriate or personally undesirable institutionalization.
Congregate Living Health Facility Congregate Living Health Facility A Congregate Living Health Facility (CLHF) is a residential home with a capacity of no more than six beds, which provides 24-hour skilled nursing and supportive care. This care is generally less intense than that provided in general acute care hospitals but more intense than that provided in skilled nursing facilities. Congregate living health facilities provide at least one of the following services: Services for persons who are mentally alert, physically disabled persons, who may be ventilator dependent, persons who have a diagnosis of terminal illness and a life expectancy of six months or less, and persons who are catastrophically and severely disabled.
Home Health Agency Home Care A private or public organization, including but not limited to, any partnership, corporation, political subdivision of the state, or other government agency within the state, which provides, or arranges for the provision of, skilled nursing services, to persons in their temporary or permanent place of residence.
Hospice Hospice A specialized for of multidisciplinary health care which is designated to provide palliative care, alleviate the physical, emotional, social and spiritual discomforts of an individual who is experiencing the last phases of life due to the existence of a terminal disease, and to provide supportive care for the primary care giver and the family of the hospice patient.
Private Duty Home Care Home Care Non-Medical Private duty home care agencies are companies that provide home care aides, companion care, homemaker services and may provide nursing services in the client’s home or place of residence. (HHCN-PDHC).
Nursing Homes/Facility Nursing A health facility that provides skilled nursing care and supportive care to patients whose primary need is for availability of skilled nursing care on an extended bases.
Residential Care Facilities Residential Care Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly (RCFE) provide care, supervision and assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing and grooming. They may also provide incidental medical services under special care plans.

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