Senior Care Organizations
Senior Care Organizations in the United States
New LifeStyles helps seniors and family members find the senior community or care provider that best fits your needs. From independent living to skilled nursing care, a simple search will show you the options in the area where you need help. We house a database of all state licensed senior communities, home health and hospice agencies nationwide, plus other non-licensed communities and senior products and services.
We take pride in providing seniors with accurate information on local care facilities and services that are available to you or your loved one. With so many options, let us help you with your research.
Find Information on Senior Care Networks
Many states are home to numerous senior care organizations that offer multiple care services for seniors. Large senior care organizations offer multiple benefits including resources, staffing, and the ability to transition residents with ease if necessary. We’ve taken the time to research these networks and provide more information for our information seekers.
More networks to come
Brookdale Senior Living
Brookdale Senior Living currently operates senior communities in 47 of the 50 United States, including 88 communities in Texas and 82 communities in California.