Recognizing Signs of Elder Abuse and Seeking Help

Sadly, there are people out there who would take advantage of an elderly person who is no longer in tune with the speed of the modern world.

Whether your senior loved one lives alone or in a senior living community, staying in touch and being aware of their well-being is important.

Elder abuse is not just physical, which is easier to spot. It can also be emotional and financial manipulation, and in many cases, it comes from a person considered trustworthy, like a neighbor, a relative, or a caregiver.

Have you noticed changes in their behavior or mood? Perhaps unexplained injuries? These are just a few signs that may indicate something’s not right. But what if you’re unsure of what to look for?

In this article, we’ll explore practical ways to spot the signs early on and share steps to protect your loved ones from mistreatment.

Signs to Watch For

In order to be able to see the signs of abuse or recognize an abusive situation, you first need to know how it happens and what are the main motivations behind it. For this, we listed some of the most common indicators in the case of physical, emotional, and financial abuse.

Physical Neglect or Abuse

Older people fall more often and are more prone to bruising or scratches. Plus, they don’t have the same sense of direction as they used to, which may cause them to bump into things. While all these come with age, you should pay attention to any unexplained bruises or sores that seem to appear out of nowhere.

Slip and fall injuries are also a red flag, especially if they happen more than once. Slip and fall injuries can also happen in local stores or while taking a walk, and these are caused by other’s neglect when it comes to proper surface cleaning.

Regardless of the scenario, if you suspect physical abuse or neglect, it’s best to get a legal specialist involved. Preferably, find someone local with experience in personal injury cases who can get involved in person.

For instance, it’s best to look for a personal injury lawyer in Fort Wayne if the person you suspect is a victim of abuse lives in that area. If they live in New York, you’re better off with a legal representative from the Big Apple.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse often hides in plain sight. It’s not about loud words and major conflicts but more about dismissive words or constant belittling of a person’s character and being.

You might notice a senior withdrawing from social activities they once enjoyed. Or maybe they become unusually anxious around certain individuals. If you see them showing signs of depression without an obvious cause, consider it a red flag.

Sometimes, abusers isolate their victims by controlling who they can see or speak to, leaving them feeling trapped and helpless. This is why it’s important to keep open lines of communication with older loved ones.

Luckily, these days, technology helps seniors live safe and independent lives. With a reliable internet connection and a smartphone, you can have daily video calls, which will help you identify any signs of abuse in the early stages. Social media is also a great option, as seniors can share similar interests or life experiences in virtual communities, finding support and companionship.

Financial Exploitation

If you have access to their finances, you might notice unauthorized transactions on their bank statements or sudden changes in their financial situation. There’s also a pattern of ‘missing’ belongings, which may be stolen (by people they trust to invite into their space) for quick cash. A supposed helper asking for money consistently is another tell-tale sign.

Family members suddenly appearing and taking control over finances can be suspect, too. Always ask if they had to sign any documents recently and why. There are many cases of elderly people being manipulated into signing documents without fully understanding, leading to altered wills or deeds.

Stay proactive by regularly reviewing accounts with them and ensuring they have trusted support when making significant decisions. Also, professionals like financial advisors specializing in elder care should be involved if you consider it necessary.

Wrap Up

Communities thrive when everyone looks out for each other. By fostering strong local support networks, families ensure that seniors receive care and companionship. Encourage neighborhood programs and initiatives focused on elder welfare. Together, we can create environments where our elders feel valued, respected, and protected from harm.