New LifeStyles Senior Living & Care Blog

We know that it can be tough, finding care for a loved one, or taking care of them yourself. So we offer our end users a blog with information on care giving, choosing a community, senior living and care news and just for fun!

Thursday Article Links: Well-Being Tips for Seniors

Home Healthcare Provider vs. Home Care Provider The Role of Occupational Therapy in Dementia Care Should You Hire an In-Home Personal Trainer?


Thursday Article Links: Health & Retirement Tips for Seniors

4 Key Factors of the CCRC Decision Process Plan Now In Case You Cannot Speak for Yourself Later Can Asking Questions About End-of-Life Be Made Easier?


Senior Caregiving: The Multi-Generational Family Vacation

Traveling as a family offers a multitude of benefits. If you are a parent who is also a caregiver for your own parents, this often means planning a multi-generational trip. You may have young children, teens, yourselves and your parents along for the ride, and that requires some planning. What…


New Format for 2017

We are excited to announce a New format for the New LifeStyles guide. Starting with the Chicago guide to senior living and care (out in late June), advertisers will benefit from: • Greater focus on self-contained sections/categories for ease of use • Revised listing format allowing more information • Cover…


Enhanced Resident and Family Experiences: How Technology Can Help

Technology is taking on a more active role across the healthcare space, and senior care is no exception. From electronic health record (EHR) platforms to smart glasses to wearable devices, the latest technologies are being implemented across the senior care market.  By leveraging innovative technologies, senior living operators benefit from:…


Some Differences Between Independent Living and Assisted Living

As seniors begin to advance in age, it may become increasingly difficult for them to maintain the lifestyle to which they are accustomed. This may be due to medical issues, transportation issues or even financial issues. Many may choose to move in with family members, but for some, this is…


Friday Article Links: Tips on Key Metrics and Leads for Senior Living Professionals

    Understanding Key Metrics and Generating More Leads for Your Retirement or Healthcare Community 6 Ways Your Dining Program Can Skyrocket Your Marketing Program How Inbound Sales is Evolving Making the Connection: The Importance of a Senior Contact Center


Let’s Focus On Email Marketing: Advertising, Marketing, Social Media & Sales

Your first contact with a prospective customer may not generate a sale. This is a fact, and when it comes to marketing communities for seniors, the decision process is rarely immediate. The first time a senior or the caregiver comes to your site, they may not be ready to take…


Make Retirement Living Exciting and Satisfying

For some, there were probably many times when you worked that you said, “If only I had time for…” Now, you do. The senior years of your life provide excitement and satisfaction when you approach retirement living with a positive attitude. Here are some ideas for your new leisure time….


Thursday Article Links: Tips on Medicare and Estate Plans

Protecting Your Safety as a Family Caregiver Cooking for Chemo The Truth About Medicare Which “Will” Are You Missing From Your Estate Plan?