For some, there were probably many times when you worked that you said, “If only I had time for…” Now, you do. The senior years of your life provide excitement and satisfaction when you approach retirement living with a positive attitude. Here are some ideas for your new leisure time.
- Travel
If your budget does not allow for expensive excursions, consider taking day trips. Get out and discover what neighboring regions have to offer. Research spots known for natural beauty and enjoy the outdoors in a new environment. Consult regional magazines to find information on festivals, concerts and events, especially designed for older adults.
- Get Active on Social Media
Reconnect with old friends online. Play games with a chat feature so you find new buddies. Post about your hobbies and your grandchildren. Learn about new trends, listen to new music, check stock profiles, share your photos and play in fantasy sports leagues.
- Become a Social Butterfly
Join a club for seniors and develop relationships with others enjoying their retirements. Make your life more interesting by seeking out new friends from other cultures. Learn a new language to further broaden your world. Attend parties, hang out in shopping malls and relax in coffee shops and sports bars.
- Find a New Physical Activity
Give archery, badminton or water exercise a try. Take a dance class, enjoy paddle boating or learn to fly fish. Consult your doctor about what activities are suitable for you if have medical issues. There are always exercises you do can do at any level. Your body and mind both benefit.
- Give Back to Your Community
Get involved in the local political scene. Attend city council and other government meetings. Stand up for a cause you believe in, such as education choice, minority rights or green living. Assist in organizing events to benefit charitable organizations.
- Volunteer
Volunteer at local hospitals, veteran homes, animal shelters or food pantries. Be enthusiastic and caring to help raise the spirits of others in need. You will make many meaningful connections, your empathy will deepen and you will find yourself contented, engaged and uplifted.