New LifeStyles Senior Living & Care Blog

We know that it can be tough, finding care for a loved one, or taking care of them yourself. So we offer our end users a blog with information on care giving, choosing a community, senior living and care news and just for fun!

The Benefits of Gardening for Seniors

According to recent research, getting your hands dirty in the garden may have positive effects on your physical and mental well-being as a result. As long as you live alone or in a care home, gardening is a great way to stay active. It also provides the following benefits to…


The Importance of Staying Curious as You Age – Always Learn Something New

No matter how well you understand something, there is always the potential to learn more. However, many of us get bogged down in our lives and our routines that learning something new can feel like an unachievable task. If you want to stay curious as you get older, take a…


5 Stress Management Tactics to Lead an Ecstatic Retirement Life

“Retirement: A Time To Enjoy All The Things You Never Had Time To Do When You Worked.” – Catherine Pulisfer. Retirement is referred to as the golden period of one’s life. After all, it finally gives you time to enjoy all the things that you never could because of your…


Ways to Combat the Growing Issue of Seniors and Loneliness

One of the reasons people look forward to retirement is the increased time to do things they enjoy, like hobbies, traveling, and spending time with loved ones. However, what isn’t considered is the increased loneliness that comes with age. Unfortunately, as they age, seniors lose significant others, relatives, and friends…


6 Hobbies and Crafts to Take Up in Retirement

Getting older is a time to kick back, relax, and reap the benefits of all your hard-earned work in younger decades. You might look for new hobbies and crafts to take up in retirement, or you might already have some favorite ways to spend your days. Retirement communities can offer…


Best Outdoor Activities for Seniors Who Crave Adventure

Reaching your golden years comes with its growing pains. Staying fit is one of the main challenges of entering old age. However, you can easily find fun ways to stay active. You can exercise indoors, but if you want a breath of fresh air, then the outdoors is your domain….


Top Benefits of Bass Fly Fishing for Older Adults

Some of us senior citizens are still quite adventurous and even seek some form of challenge. Try fly fishing smallmouth or largemouth bass! Or trout and carp are also plentiful freshwater fish. You choose how much exercise to do on any given trip, from the trek to the water to…


Why Seniors Should Play Crossword Puzzles

Have you ever wondered why simple activities can be full of fun?  Exploring a crossword dictionary is a perfect example of fun. The best part is crossword puzzles are enjoyable for all age groups, and even seniors find these puzzles a worthwhile activity to pass the time. When we age,…


Events to Hold at Your Senior Care Facility

Holding events is a great way to involve your residents in their senior care community, plus they can act as a promotional tool for administrators. Private events allow residents to feel like a part of a larger community, build new friendships, and develop interests in new hobbies. You can then…