New LifeStyles Senior Living & Care Blog

We know that it can be tough, finding care for a loved one, or taking care of them yourself. So we offer our end users a blog with information on care giving, choosing a community, senior living and care news and just for fun!

7 Links to This Week’s Senior Living and Caregiving Articles

Stepping Into The Leadership Role Long Term Care: How Much Does Medicare Actually Cover? Volunteering 2 hours per week reduces loneliness in widowed older adults What to consider when deciding on a senior living community Advice for Caregivers: Hallucinations Related to Alzheimer’s [Infographic] Vast Majority Of Elder Financial Abuse By…


Legal Documents – Are you Ready?

There are so many things to do and factors to consider when a senior decides to move into a community, or needs care. From clearing a home and selling it or making it a safe place to age, to choosing the right senior community or caregiver. Your hands will be full. One…


This Week’s Links

Podcast: What’s a Caregiving-Friendly Community? Senior Nutrition in Aging Fall prevention gets harder when elderly leave hospital 5 Wheelchair VanShopping Tips Medicaid Divorce: Maybe . . . Maybe Not.


Senior Abuse: 4 Ways To Spot Mistreatment of a Loved One

It’s hard to believe that anyone would cause harm to the elderly anywhere, specifically in a nursing home, but the sad truth is that it happens.  From 2015-2016, investigators found 134 cases of abuse of nursing home residents. Most nursing home residences hold strict codes to ensure these abuses don’t happen, but this…


Senior Safety, Care & Sharing Links

Safety Tips for Seniors Sibling Rivalry: When Family Members Disagree on Senior Care Options The Uninvited “Guest”


The Stigma of Hospice Care: 3 Myths Debunked

When my mom entered hospice care, I thought I knew what to expect. I thought hospice would be a terrible place.  I had images of dark narrow halls with flickering lights and wart faced nurses who had been kicked out of hospitals for being too brutal.  I could not have…


The Wisdom of Seniors: Preserving Family Stories for Future Generations

  From earliest childhood, many of us remember sitting at the knee of a parent or grandparent hearing about their adventures and life lessons. In fact, it is often those lessons learned and the wisdom shared that strengthens families and carries them through difficult times, generation after generation. There is…


Weekly Senior Living Links – 1/11/18

Plan Now In Case You Cannot Speak for Yourself Later If your house is the wrong size for you, how do you find a “rightsized” home? How to Know if it’s Time for Hospice Care Ready to Sell? Tips for Preparing Your Home for the Real Estate Market Financial Stability…


Thursday Holidays Senior Living & Caregiving Links

Understanding Age Requirements at CCRCs & Other Senior Living Communities Tips For Staying Connected With Your Senior In Assisted Living Or A Nursing Home The Elderly and Cold Weather: Prepare This Winter Season A Caregivers Christmas


Links – Health Aging, Moving, After the Storms & Hospice

September is Healthy Aging Month After the Storm: Rethinking a Florida Retirement? Hospice – It’s About Life Downsizing Lessons Learned From Hurricane Harvey