New LifeStyles Senior Living & Care Blog

We know that it can be tough, finding care for a loved one, or taking care of them yourself. So we offer our end users a blog with information on care giving, choosing a community, senior living and care news and just for fun!

7 Ways for Seniors to Deal with Anxiety or Depression

Nearly half of the people who are diagnosed with anxiety also suffer from depression or vice versa. This is because people with a primary mental ailment can worsen the symptoms and make recovery difficult, making it essential for both disorders to be treated simultaneously. It is estimated that about 20%…


5 Ways to Help Seniors Rebuild Their Credit After Dealing with Bankruptcy

Experiencing bankruptcy can be one of the hardest journeys of your life. You must deal with lots of paperwork when filing for it, regularly monitor your credit score, and constantly doubt being unable to rebuild your credit. And, when elders are put in this challenging situation, it could bring them…


How to Deal With 5 Common Medication Problems Seniors Face

As we age, our bodies change and can no longer process medications in the same way as when we were younger. This can lead to problems with medications not working as well as they should, or having unexpected side effects. If you’re taking care of an older person, you know…


The Importance of Dental Health in Later Life and How to Achieve It

Dental care is especially important for seniors since it affects more than just their mouths. After all, tooth and gum issues can cause significant discomfort and even disability. The way you look, the food you eat, your vocabulary, and many other aspects of your life can all be influenced by…


Active Hobbies for the Active Senior

A hobby is an activity done often for pleasure. If you have a hobby, it’s because it makes you feel a type of way, such as fulfilled, accomplished, or relaxed. There are many other benefits to hobbies for senior citizens. For example, hobbies help stimulate the brain and improve your…


Getting Older Doesn’t Mean Avoiding Fun and Adventure

There are a lot of changes that come with getting older. Some of them are great, and others aren’t as wonderful. But aging doesn’t mean you need to stay home and do nothing. You can still get out and experience plenty of adventure. Even if you don’t want to travel…


Seniors and Social Media: Staying in Touch with Family and Friends

Getting older is a fact of life and a blessing many people hope to experience. However, as people age, they face new challenges related to their health, finances, and social lives. Children move away, your social circle gradually shrinks, and you may feel isolated.  It’s even worse when you move…


Helping an Elderly Loved One Overcome Drug or Alcohol Addiction: 5 Tips

Drug or alcohol addiction is a serious problem with devastating consequences. It’s even more complicated when it’s an elderly loved one. Senior citizens are more likely to abuse alcohol or drugs due to retirement, the loss of a spouse, social isolation, or chronic health problems. They’re prone to more health…


Put Safety First: Renovation Ideas for a Senior-friendly Home

While some seniors choose to stay in senior living communities, most prefer to live in their own homes. They believe this is a better choice because it allows them to be as independent as possible and feel much more comfortable. But most homes aren’t designed to fit older people’s needs….


Start Planning for Your Golden Years Today

Planning for their retirement is something a lot of people don’t do, especially if they’re still working. However, it doesn’t have to be that way anymore. Planning for your retirement needs is one of the most important things you can do to enjoy your golden years. You deserve to live…