New LifeStyles Senior Living & Care Blog

We know that it can be tough, finding care for a loved one, or taking care of them yourself. So we offer our end users a blog with information on care giving, choosing a community, senior living and care news and just for fun!

Find Senior Living and Care Options in New Jersey

    Find the senior community or care provider that fits your needs in the latest guide to senior living and care for New Jersey. Learn more on the types of senior communities and care providers in NJ at  


Senior Living & Caregiving Articles on CCRCs & Holiday Traveling & Visiting

New Study Shows CCRC Residents ARE Happier and Healthier Sleuth-ebrating the Holidays Traveling & Alzheimer’s


New Facebook Mentorship Product Excellent for Senior Engagement

In November 2017, Facebook announced the early stages of its Mentorship and Support product. Initially limited to education and crisis recovery groups, the platform has been expanding into other select sectors to build strong, supportive communities.  For digitally connected seniors, this development establishes another opportunity for connectivity, fulfillment, and legacy. Making Group…


Benefits of Music in Improving Memory Care

Providers of communities servicing the elderly can attract more residents/clients and families by incorporating services such as music therapy that will enhance the lives of its customers. As humans, music resonates within the depths of our soul. It brings joy, laughter, and a sense of peace especially music derived from our cultural…


Links to This Week’s Best Articles

Firsthand Advice on Caring for Someone with Alzheimer’s Stress and the Holidays: Coping Strategies to Keep you Sane


A Guide to Independent Living Communities

by: Carylanne Crowne Many people aged 55 and older try to maintain their independence by living at home. They may not realize that they are actually less independent by remaining in their old home. Independence can be limited by mortgage, property tax, and home maintenance expenses. Seniors’ health and happiness…


Treating Diabetes in Seniors

by: Chandler Coleman According to the CDC, 30 million Americans currently suffer from diabetes. Although, many adults and seniors are unaware of what diabetes actually is and how it affects the body. Diabetes is a disorder of the human metabolism (the way our bodies use digested food for growth and…


Happy Thanksgiving

Our office will be closed at 1:00 on Wed., 11/21 thru Friday, 11/23.


Interesting & Helpful Articles for Seniors & Caretakers

Assisted-living communities in S. CA step up their culinary game for seniors New upscale senior living communities in FL riding the gray wave Like mother, like daughter What an Elevator Says About a CCRC Travel Guidelines For People With Memory Disorders


Taking Falls Seriously

Can you guess how many billions of dollars in medical costs are attributable to falls amongst adults over 65? $10 billion? $20 billion? Try $50 billion.  While it’s fairly well-known that older adults are at a higher risk than other groups for experiencing a fall, as a senior or a caregiver…