New LifeStyles Senior Living & Care Blog

We know that it can be tough, finding care for a loved one, or taking care of them yourself. So we offer our end users a blog with information on care giving, choosing a community, senior living and care news and just for fun!

Ways to Look After Your Aging Parents

There’s no question that our parents have done a lot for us. Now that they are older, it’s our responsibility to take care of them. How you choose to take care of them is up to you. Continue reading to learn a few ways to look after your aging parents….


Tips To Sleep Better At Night As You Are Older

As we grow older, it is completely normal to notice that we wake up earlier than we used to. It is also very common to often wake up in the middle of the night. Even falling asleep during the daytime is difficult. Unfortunately, this is normal. Fortunately, there are things…


Things Seniors Can Do Outside During Social Distancing

Elders may experience intense stress and worry due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While all seniors are at risk, those with underlying health conditions are in even more danger from potential exposure. Nevertheless, seniors who can manage safely on their own can benefit from getting outside for some activity, which can…


Overcoming Hearing Loss for Better Communication and Care

In January 2020, a senior health website named Clear Living conducted a study on the effect of hearing loss on all facets of life. In this study, it was found that communication with others was the most heavily impacted area of life. As one might assume, losing your hearing can…


Aging and Teeth Shifting – Why It Happens and What You can Do

As we age, we experience many changes in our body, including changes in our smile. Yes, that’s right. Teeth tend to shift from their position as we age. Therefore, problems such as overbite teeth, teeth overlapping, gapped teeth, etc. are common in older people. So, if you suddenly notice a…


Do You Have an Elderly Relative Who Lives Alone? 5 Ways To Keep Them Safe

The thought of your aging parents or other elderly relatives living all by themselves can be nerve-wracking. However, you won’t be able to stop them if they want to enjoy and maintain their same level of independence. Yes, their faculties may be declining, and you may be worried about them….


Signs Your Loved One Needs A Caregiver

As our loved ones grow older, it shifts into us finding ways to ensure that they are safe. One thing you may have to consider is getting a quality caregiver who can watch over your loved one to make sure nothing bad happens to them—especially when they are alone in their home all day. Notice the signs your…


Pension vs Property in the UK: Should I Invest My Savings Rather Than Put Them in a Pension Pot?

For decades people have put their monthly earnings into a pension pot for when they retire. This may seem like the only logical explanation for many people, but there are others out there too. Rather than putting your savings into a pot and allowing the savings to collect dust until…


Why It’s Important for Seniors to Stay Active and Physically Fit

As older adults, we hear it all the time—exercise, exercise, exercise. But is it really that big of a deal if we don’t get the recommended amount of exercise each week? Well, we’re here to say that, indeed, staying active and physically fit is one of the most important things…


5 Effective Ways to Help Take Care of Your Grandparents

When it comes to taking care of your grandparents everyone wants to be sure that they are handled with good care, patience, and love. While at times it may be stressful, you must also keep in mind that it is not easy for them to become dependent on others. It…