New LifeStyles Senior Living & Care Blog

We know that it can be tough, finding care for a loved one, or taking care of them yourself. So we offer our end users a blog with information on care giving, choosing a community, senior living and care news and just for fun!

5 Ways to Show Gratitude to Grandparents

For many of us, visiting our grandparents for the holidays or going over to their place for the weekend are some of the happiest memories of our childhoods. We all love them to death, but sometimes it’s not easy to express that love. There’s a divide of generations between us…


Best Outdoor Activities for Seniors Who Crave Adventure

Reaching your golden years comes with its growing pains. Staying fit is one of the main challenges of entering old age. However, you can easily find fun ways to stay active. You can exercise indoors, but if you want a breath of fresh air, then the outdoors is your domain….


14 Hacks and Simple Changes to Make Your Home Elder-Friendly

Physical and mental abilities change with age. One of the essential things to do as a caregiver is to make your home elderly-friendly so that they can live comfortably in their surroundings. Many people are unaware of the little things they can do to make their homes more accessible for…


Things to Consider When Personalizing Your New Home

Pursuing retirement is a dream for the average nine-to-five worker. When you’ve saved enough to officially leap into retirement, you can kick up your feet and sigh in relief. However, the idea of decorating a brand-new home can often leave you overwhelmed. Don’t fret; here are the things to consider…


The Advantages of Going Back to School as an Older Adult

The idea of going back to school can make you nervous, no matter your age. And if you are an adult, going back to school after being out for a number of years might make you feel even more anxious. From balancing work and school to learning new tech, you…


Home Maintenance Tasks Seniors Shouldn’t Neglect

Growing older is a beautiful event, but as we grow older, we tend to forget things and may even let other things slide entirely. Whether you’re the one growing older or are the caregiver for someone reaching this point in their life, you should look over this list of essential…


What the Nursing Shortage of 2021 Means for Seniors

The nursing shortage can feel scary. There are fewer than ten nurses for every 1,000 people. If something happens to a good chunk of the population, there wouldn’t be enough nurses to go around, and that’s scary. The good thing is understanding the issue makes it easier to address. High…


How to Tell if Assisted Living Is the Right Choice for Your Loved One

Assisted living is a type of senior housing created for those who need different levels of personal and medical care. If you have a loved one who is reaching the stage of needing extra support and care, it may be time to look into assisted living options. If you’re not…


How to Support Someone Facing Loss

There comes a time in our lives when someone we love or care about loses a friend or family member. These are sad moments filled with a wide range of emotions and thoughts that can feel overwhelming for everyone involved. We want to be there for the person experiencing loss…


How to Lessen Back Pain at Night and Wake Up Smiling

Most people may experience more back pain while they sleep than during the day while they move around performing their normal daily duties. There are numerous causes for back pain, such as injury, chronic illnesses, arthritis, and more. Some types of backaches can significantly interfere with your quality of sleep…